Produce Boxes
Feeding Local ʻOhana, Every Week
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Common Ground Collectiveʻs food box program launched during the pandemic when we began providing thousands of produce boxes to communities as Maui grappled with the highest unemployment rate among all U.S. metro areas and higher than the national unemployment rate during the peak of the Great Depression. We remained committed to this effort long after pandemic restrictions eased, which helped us more quickly jump into action to meet Mauiʻs needs in the wake of the August 2023 fires.
In the aftermath of disasters, the largest gap in feeding families who've lost homes, income and means of transportation needed to travel to grocery stores often access to fresh, local produce. Common Ground Collective quickly stepped in to provide fresh fruits and vegetables that were grown through the nonprofitʻs backyard harvesting program and purchased from local farmers, many of whom lost income and market connections when the fire destroyed Lāhaināʻs restaurants and businesses. In 2023, Common Ground Collective distributed more than 15,400 food boxes to community members.